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Monday, May 30, 2011

It's a Book by Lane Smith

Age Range:  K through 3rd grade

With the way so many people read today moving to digital formats such as the Nook or Kindle, kids will love this book about a book.  There are two main characters in this book, a jackass and a monkey (a mouse plays a minor part).  The jackass and the monkey have a dialogue back and forth about the book the monkey is reading. The jackass tries to understand how the book works through asking questions like if it scroll's down, can it text or tweet, and does it need a password.  The jackass eventually reads the book and doesn't want to give it back to the monkey. 

This book is a great example of metafiction because it is a book that reflects on what a book is.  There is also a page from the book the monkey is reading featured in the book.  The book is playful through the dialogue between the jackass and the monkey. 

Here is a link for the book trailer from Amazon for this book:  http://www.amazon.com/gp/mpd/permalink/m358EIEJ2K6MC1/ref=ent_fb_link
Here is a link for a clip from the author about this book:  http://www.amazon.com/gp/mpd/permalink/m23D7IGMH6ISVL/ref=ent_fb_link

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